Welcome to Shavers Creek Volunteer Fire Company
5474 Charter Oak Rd Petersburg, PA 16669
5474 Charter Oak Rd Petersburg, PA 16669
From a one classroom school house to a 2022 pre-engineered fire station. As most of you know, the Shaver's Creek Volunteer Fire Department purchased the property of the Mooresville church to be able to build a fire station to serve the residents of West and Barree Township, as well as assisting surrounding fire Departments. Over the last few months, the Fire Company has been meeting with different contractors trying to find the one that would best benefit us. And proudly we can say that we have officially given the approval and put a down payment to move forward and purchase a $550,000, 60’ wide by 72’ long (4320 square foot) pre-engineered building with 1500sqft office space through Scenic Ridge Construction Company. We are excited to get the process started and have the new Station 11 up by Christmas 2022, maybe even sooner. We are excited to take these next few steps and can’t wait till we put the first shovel in the ground. The members of the Shaver's Creek Fire Company are incredibly thankful for all the support from the community over the last few years to help us get this project underway. We will be posting updates as much as we can, so be on the lookout. Anyone wishes to help us please reach out to a member or post to Facebook. We are looking for donations to offset the loan burden or if you have a trade skill give us a call.
Shavers Creek Founded in 1946 took over the old one room school house. Over the years as we grew the need to add on, expanded the original structure
Part Pre-Engineered Metal Building (PEMB) and the regular construction office space, the new station will be total 5820 sqft. The location will be beside the existing station where the Mooresville Church once stood.
The new building has started to take shape. The steel is up and time to start to cover.
Construction is complete and the final stage will begin this fall with the demolition of the old station.
Special Thanks to M.M.P.W.
June 30, 2019 while responding to a multiple vehicle accident on Pine Grove Mountain our 1989 Pierce left us down. While going up the mountain about 1/2 mile before the accident the water pump (on the motor) failed, the engine (Rescue 11) and its crew never made it to the scene. We were contacted the week prior about a possible engine available for us to look at. Timing was unbelievable, by the 5th of July we had a "new" Engine to replace our Rescue. We are so GRATEFUL to M.M.P.W (Mercersburg Montgomery Fire Co) for donating this engine. THANK YOU!!!
2023 Fund Drive now underway.
If you can't Volunteer maybe help us in our fundraising, send a donation. If you don't receive a letter in the mail you can open it here. Please help us raise funds so we can continue to operate. With the construction of the new fire station we now have a significant monthly mortgage payment of $1991.95 on a $350,000. Loan
You can find the full list and details on the Events page
Shavers creek Firemans Park
Order by February 1 . Chicken and Beef $12.00 each
Shavers creek Firemans Park
Shavers Creek Firemans Park
Doors and Kitchen open at 6 dance start at 7PM. $6.00 each 12 and over, tickets at the door.
Shavers Creek Firemans Park
Shavers Creek Firemans Park
Doors and Kitchen open at 5:30. No Early Birds. Regular games start at 7pm, $25 for 20 Games. Kitchen will be open.
Shavers Creek Firemans Park
Shavers Creek Fire Company is always looking for new people. However you don’t have to be a “Firefighter” to help. There is a lot that goes into your community fire department. The fire department is a small business, so it has all the things that go with a business. We have garbage bills, phone bills, and a lot of administrative issues. We are always looking for “Firefighters” but also have many needs for other talents, such as Fire Police, financial administrators, and skilled trades. We apply for at least two grants a year, organize all our fundraiser's, and maintain our buildings; our members who may also be "Firefighters" do all of these tasks. We often refer to members as "Firefighters", however not everyone performs firefighting duties. Please stop in and get to know how you may help. Our meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:30pm in the Shavers Creek fire hall. We will be glad to see you there. fundraising volunteer
Here is the link to do the Pennsylvania State Police and Dept of Human Services Background (Both Required) and if needed the FBI Background. Backgrounds must be completed prior to membership acceptance and need submitted with the application.
Membership Application (pdf)